Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Thanx Refractor!

"Please get more view from opposite side download a book from here

and think if you can review your views!" 
  Thanx Refractor, but I do understand that there are positives and negatives to every situation. I am in no way trying to make this religion or any other religion look good or bad.  I am just trying to tell it like it is without in anyway trying to be disrespectful. 
    I did download and skimmed over the file and will be reading it later when i have a little more time to do so. Also it seems like a very good source to read if anyone wants to learn more so, if anyone else wants to learn about hindu religion, the website that i put up earlier will get you information and one of the three websites listed above will lead you to a way to a book you can download. 
    Now what i did read seemed to have put down all of the gruesome facts about the caste system in which i just casually glazed over. And goes into much more detail than what my post did. Now like i said, my posts here are just facts i have found on the internet. the only intent of doing these post is to create some religious tolerance. But if you do know something i put down is wrong please tell me. Also if you have a source for it put it down too in your comment. I love to know that the information is accurate and informative but not always sure that i have it right. 
       Thanx I appreciate it!

Friday, January 21, 2011


K people. I have finally decided to start on the religion/culture blog and as you can see it is about Hinduism. Now if I so happen to have false information, please tell me because I'm getting my information from the internet  (you know how reliable it can be).

Hinduism is known as the world's third largest religion. It is also know as the world's largest organized religion. Originally having its start in India, this religion has a wide variety of traditions and beliefs. In most part this religion is henotheistic. This means that the recognizes a single deity and all of the gods and goddesses of this religion is just an aspect or a manifestation of the single god. But most see this as a polytheistic religion (a religion where more than one god or goddess is worshiped.)

This religion is also known as Sanatana Dharma "The eternal religion," and Vaidica Dharma "religion of the vedas," but it is most commonly called Hinduism in North America. There are a wide variety of ways that the Hinduism got it's name, one that was suggested was that it came from the Persian word for Indian. The original theory of how it came about has been challenged.

During the first few centuries (C.E.), sects were dedicated to certain gods (most popular were goddess Shakti and Lakshmi, and the gods Skanda and Surya). The Hindu texts are thought to be known as the oldest most sacred texts in the world. The primary texts are known as the vedas. It is unknown when these texts are written. 

There are basically two divisions in Hinduism within the urban areas. One is where Vishnu is the ultimate deity, while the other is where Shiva is recognized as the ultimate deity.  The rural areas basically worship their own village god or goddess. Priesthood is also less important in rural areas.

Hindu's basically believe in reincarnation. This is where when one dies they are then reborn. Karma is where your good deeds and bad deeds are tallied up, this is what determines what kind of life you will live when you are reborn. This is what I basically thought that had made the caste system. There are four groups, each separated by the profession of the person. The fifth group of people were known as the untouchables, they were outside of the caste system. Typically you would marry within your own caste group. Also the parents profession was also passed down to their children. Here are the caste groups: Brahmans (priests and academics), Kshatriya (rulers, military),  Vaishyas (farmers, landlords, and merchants), Sudra (peasants and servants). The untouchables were often not allowed to be in the shadow of someone of the caste system. Now the caste system is illegal. Any kind of discrimination of someone of a lower caste system would get you into trouble but only this law had the most effect in urban areas. While in rural areas it is still used quite a bit.

If you want to learn more on Hindu religion read the articles on www.religioustolerance.org/hinduism.htm, I hoped you learned lots! For information on Hindu deities visit www.godchecker.com/pantheon/indian-mythology.php